It's not like Alex Ross hasn't done lots of work for DC Comics. Comics, covers, full-blown graphic novels, it's just that in recent years his work has mostly been seen for Marvel and Dynamite. But a tweeted-then-deleted post on Instagram may suggest he may have some new work for DC Comics.

Gossip: Could Alex Ross Be Coming to DC Comics? What About MArk Waid?
Gossip: Could Alex Ross Be Coming to DC Comics? What About MArk Waid?

That is, of course, Starfire of the Teen Titans. Could this be available as an Alex Ross lithograph from DC Comics? Could this breaking news have broken too early? DC Comics gets tagged in, the DC Comics November news is imminent, and Mercury Comics is the publishing brand run by artist and Alex Ross's art dealer Sal Abbinanti.

Of course, if Alex Ross is working for DC Comics, might that suggest others? Could it be possible that, now that Dan DiDio is no longer President, that long-time friend and colleague of Alex Ross, and the co-author of Kingdom Come, Mark Waid may decide to return to DC Comics?

A long time ago, Mark Waid was part of The Hive, a group consisting of Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, Tom Peyer and Mark Waid who were approached to pitch to take over the Superman books. They did so, only to cause a political uproar at DC as the Superman editorial office hadn't signed off on this. Waid got heated and as a result, DC President/Publisher Paul Levitz declared he would never write the Superman books – the comic Waid really wanted to write at DC. So Waid would do other projects including Superman but never got the chance to write his Superman.

The one job I'd been working towards my entire life–and I'd just been told point-blank that not only could I never have it, but I couldn't have it for any reasons that were just or made any logical sense–at least in part because someone at DC had point-blank asked me for a proposal and then failed to speak up when another someone decided I was simply crusading for a job that wasn't available, violating the freelance code, and acting in bad (and punishable) faith. Doesn't matter that that wasn't true; since when do truth and politics go hand in hand? Welcome to the real world.

Then, post-Levitz, DiDio fired Action Comics writer James Robinson off the title over personal issues and hired Waid on the book – for about two days. Lawyers pointed out DiDio couldn't do what he just did to Robinson and Waid was dropped, vowing never to work for DC Comics again.

But Dan DiDio is gone from DC Comics now. While DC's EIC is still Bob Harras, who Waid had a fractious relationship with at Marvel, that was all a very long time ago. After all in a Q&A after DiDio left, talking about one of DiDio's least favourite characters Wally West, Mark Waid replied,

"I'm confident that DC's current management is just as eager as I am to see Wally in his rightful place of prominence. Trust me."

What does he know? Anyway this is all supposition, right now, Alex Ross posted, then de-posted a picture of Starfire. What that all means, well, your mileage may vary.